About Us

The Child Health Fund aims to raise funds for patient care in resource poor settings (specifically for Dr. Rick Hodes’ work in Addis Abba, Ethiopia (http://rickhodes.org/)) and to support clinical research. Our primary focus is on funding spine and heart surgery for destitute children of Ethipoia who suffer from tuberculosis and the destructive effects of strep throat on the heart.  We are a Massachusetts Non-Profit Corporation incorporated in December, 2010 as the Small Philanthropist Foundation.

Our foundation aims to be simple, efficient and cost-effective. To control costs, no salaries will be paid, no employees hired and the foundation will be managed at the founders residence. The foundation will attempt to eliminate all overhead.   85% of our donations go to support Dr. Hodes’ work.  Greater than 10% of our donations support clinical research programs. With a steady stream of patron support we can achieve our goals collectively.

Photograph copyright Uriel Heilman used with permission